• Board Profile


SUNSKY OPEN SCHOOL EDUCATION BOARD OF TRIPURA A Autonomous Board/Institution(A Unit Of Sunsky Career Group Of Institutions) Run By Sunsky Educational Trust & Article 19(1), 29 & 30 Of Constitution of India Established Under the guidelines of National Education Policy 1986, Govt. of India Working Under Human Rights Protection.


Ours is an autonomous Board/Instotution and all private educational Boards / Councils/Institutions are autonomous bodies. Each educational organization is having discretionary powers. According these powers, every board /University / state Govts. / Central Govt. of India is having the liberty and right to take own decision either to allow or refuse any admission / service. But we strive to give our best to make the non-formal education programme grand success. All the education programmes conduct by SUNSKY OPEN SCHOOL EDUCATION BOARD OF TRIPURA are autonomous education programmes. Legality, Validity, Utility of the education Programmes is SUNSKY OPEN SCHOOL EDUCATION BOARD OF TRIPURA is in strict conformity with the constitution of India and law of the land under Article 19(1) G, 29 & 30.


The Board.Council trustees/members has the constitutional right under Article 19 (1) (g) to pursue any profession or any occupation and administering teaching institutes have been included as part of occupation as held by Hon'ble Supreme Court in T.M.A. Pai Foundation Vs. State of Karnataka (SC) 2003 (2) SCT 385. The relevant portion of the above said judgment is reproduced as under:-Private education is one of the most dynamic and fastest growing segments of post-secondary education at the turn of the twenty –first century. A combination of unprecedented demand for access to higher education and the inability or unwillingness of government to provide the necessary support has brought private higher education to the forefront. Private institutions with a long history in many countries, are expanding in scope and number, and are becoming increasingly important in parts of the world that relied almost entirely on the public sector.


Hon’ble High Court’s Lucknow Bench, Stay Order No. 744/91 Hon’ble Supreme Court Writ Petition 676/2014 by a Private Board HUMAN RIGHT PROTECTION ACT Under

HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION ACT,1993 autonomous bodies have been given special protectionHon’ble Supreme Court’s Judgment: AIR 1993 SC-2178.Dated 12-07-2013, Hon’ble Supreme Court of India gives order in the favour of A Private Board about the admissions of pass out candidates.The only reasonable restriction on the exercise of this right can be imposed Under Article 19 (1) (g) and is imposed in clause 19 (6). The only restrictions that State can make the law imposing reasonable restriction in the interest of general public or any restriction regarding profession and technical qualification necessary for practicing any profession or occupation, trade or business. Since so far no such professional or technical qualification have been notified, therefore, the trustees/members of the Parishad through their Society have a fundamental right to carry on the profession /occupation of running the Institutes which imparts education. Private boards are not illegal: Says Court (From Hindustan Newspaper 09-09-2004) HON’BLE SUPREME COURT ORDER IN THE FAVOUR OF PRIVATE BOARDS & consideration.( For further details refer: AIR 1993 SC-2178.)

STATUS OF SUNSKY OPEN SCHOOL EDUCATION BOARD OF TRIPURA It has been constituted to regulate non formal Primary, Middle, Matriculation (10th), Senior Secondary (12th) education and other vocational courses (Under Education Scheme) in India with the help of educational experts to educate uneducated boys, girls, men and women to uplift the standards of literacy in India, So that they can serve society effectively and with dignity. INSTITUTE may impart education with international techniques and with stress on morally, mentally, physically and social personality. Ours is an autonomous body and all educational Boards/Universities/INSTITUTEs are autonomous bodies & each educational organization having discretionary powers. According to these powers every board /University (state govt. / central govt.) having the liberty and right to take own decision either to allow or refuse any admission / service. But we do our best to make success the non formal education programme. All the education programme run by the STATUS OF SUNSKY OPEN SCHOOL EDUCATION BOARD OF TRIPURA is BOARD is own autonomous education programme. Legality, Validity, Utility of the education programme is strict conformity with the constitution of India and law of the land under Article 19(1) G, 29 & 30.


Dated 12/07/2013, Honarable Suprime court of India gives order in the favoure of private Board about the admission of pass out candidates.Honorable Supreme Court;s Judgement AIR 1993 SC-2178/Honorable High Court Locknow Bench, Stay Order No. 744/91 Honorable Supreme Court Write Pettition 676/2014 by a Private Board.


MHRD issued a letter dated 25/12/2012 in it MHRD said clearly It is informed that Ministry of Human Resource Development doest not give recognition to education Boards.It is also informed that MHD does not regulet the setting up of Educational Boards.